March 29, 2013

Five for GOOD Friday and a SALE!

It has been a month or two since I've linked up with Doodlebugs for  little weekly randomness update!  
 1. Inferring with Easter Eggs
 I gave my students an egg to take home to put an object in.  They took their clue sheet home and wrote down 3 clues to give to the class. We have been working on making inferences all week. This was a great activity to reinforce how schema and clues work together. And best of all, they had a BLAST!

2. Spring has Sprung
 We talked all about spring this week. We headed outside to enjoy some beautiful spring weather.  I had the kids record evidence of spring for an adjective activity we did later that day using the words to describe spring. We came across a caterpillar and the kids went crazy!

3. God through a Child's Eyes
This is so sweet and fitting for Good Friday that I just had to share God through the eyes of one of my students.
4. Inferencing
 We've been working HARD on inferencing. Here are some great ideas we will be working on next week from Mrs. Richardson's Class. She has some fabulous ideas including anchor charts and  inferring with No David!  
5. Happy Easter Sale
Come on a hunt with me through my TpT store to find my 5 favorite products that are on sale all Easter weekend! Happy hunting!


March 26, 2013

Adjectives you Ask?

What are adjectives you ask? One of my most favorite things to teach! There are SOOO many fun and engaging activities you can do with them. I went about introducing them this week with a few ideas I had wondering around in this ol' brain of mine.

If you're an avid blog reader of mine, you know by now that I l-o-v-e making anchor charts!! Here is the newest to my classroom collection:

{Inspired by Abby Mullins}
This is what I used to introduce them. I then put an object on each table. I gave them a sheet of paper and had them describe their object using adjectives.

Each day this week we talked about a different kind of adjective. First we added number words that describe, then color words, then I had them think about their 5 senses and how we could use them to describe things. Here is our final product with all the adjectives we recorded.
At the end of the week we used Babbling Abby's Popcorn Adjectives and it was a huge hit!  

We used the large popcorn anchor chart and used our schema to write down adjectives on the yellow kernels.  Then I pulled out all the stops...what!? We REALLY get to eat popcorn, and it's not our snack...why yes we do kiddos! From the packet, they got their own recording sheet and recorded their adjectives while eating their popcorn. We made a little craftivity to go along with it. Turned out adorbs!!

Here's a few more things we will be doing with adjectives in the weeks to come!

What activities do you do in your classroom with adjectives that your kids love?


March 25, 2013

Spring Classroom Cleaning and Giveaway WINNER!

As bad as this sounds, I went up and spent a few hours at school on Saturday. Gasp! Why would I want to do that you ask?? Only because our school has the BEST PTA who furnished every.single.classroom with Smartboards!!! Oh yea, you heard me right. This gal got one over spring break!   So I made my way up there, with the help of my lovely mother, and we "flip-flopped" my library and calendar area.  I was SO pumped I got this new gadget that I {of course} went to TpT over my break and purchased a fabulous interactive calendar. Time for out with the old and in with the new y'all! {Thus my reasoning behind the "spring cleaning".}

 Needless to say, the kiddos were very shocked to see the new transformation when they walked in this morning! We LOVE using the Smartboard and can't wait to figure out all of the bells and whistles!  If you have ANY advice for my adventure with the Smartboard, I would love for you to shoot me a comment! I need all the help, tips, and pointers I can get!
Thanks to all of my followers who entered my very first giveaway. It was lots of fun to read your comments and watch the entries grow! The winner of the giveaway goes to....drumroll please....... Kelly Witt from First Grade Fairytales! Congrats Kelli! I will be emailing you shortly : )

Last week I linked up with Latoya for her Let's Get Acquainted linky where I came up with 2 truths and a lie. Here is what I left you with:

1. I started dancing when I was 5 and continued until 18. That's 13 years total!
2. I've been driving for 9 years and have had 4 cars in that time.
3. I'm a second generation teacher. My mom also teaches.

Number 1 and 2 are both truths. My lie was number 3. No one in my family is a teacher, I am in fact the one and only proud teacher!

Thanks for playing along in the linky and giveaway!

March 23, 2013

A {late} St. Patrick's Day and Giveaway Reminder!

One of my pet peeves is people who are late. Well, today I am totally being a hypocrite! We were out on spring break during St. Patrick's day so we did a celebrating fashionably late last week. Here is our celebration in pictures!

We just got finished talking about Texas and all of our symbols, so the kids knew exactly what I meant when we talked about symbols from Ireland. We really focused on the clover or shamrock and its symbolism: luck. They thought of ways they are lucky (I don't believe in luck so I would say...blessed!).

We also began our poetry unit before spring break. This week we focused on writing color poems. I had them each write their own, and we completed a rainbow color poem together on Friday.

 It was a fairly simple poem to write that followed this pattern: Rainbows are a red as... (and continued through each color).
 We had a very colorful week back! Now it's a foot race to the end!

Don't forget to check out my **100 Follower Giveaway**. 
Entries end tomorrow!

March 21, 2013

SomeBUNNY Loves Your Blog *Linky*

I absolutely LOVE blogging, bloggers, and the whole blogging community! I have learned so much since I started teaching thanks to all the sharing that goes on. One thing I have mentioned before that one thing I struggle teaching is writing. Read my two posts {here} and {here}. One blogger who is absolutely amazing at teaching writing is Susan Moran from T.G.I.F. I adore her blog to pieces!
This year, I have bought 2 of her writing packets and have been blown away by her creativity, organization, and ideas on how to teach genres of writing. Makes me wish I was a student in her class! Through her posts and packets, she has taught me how to teach my students and I am forever grateful! Not only is she a great writing teacher but I happen to stalk follow her on Pinterest and her sense of fashion, home decoration, etc. is so gosh darn cute!
If you haven't been by her blog you are DEFINITELY missing out on some great ideas!
Don't forget to head over and link up by click the linky picture above and let some"bunny" know that you adore their blog!


March 19, 2013

*My 100 Follower Giveaway*

Back in August when I started my blog journey, I never thought it would turn out the way it has. I have met so many great people, gained more fabulous ideas than I imagined, opened a TpT shop, and reached 100 followers!

I wanted to thank each and every one of my followers for sticking with me, reading my posts, commenting to make me feel loved, and providing me with your great ideas also! In your honor, I have put together a giveaway with 3 of my favorite bloggers! I LOVE their products and I know you will too! Check out the AWESOME prizes you have a chance of winning!

Entries will begin Tuesday and be open through Sunday. Be on the lookout next week for a post announcing the winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

March 18, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted {Part 2}

Today was my first day back from spring break, and it couldn't have went....better! It was almost like the first few days of school. The kids were quiet when they came in, listened like pros, didn't talk much all day while working, and there were absolutely NO discipline problems. And then I woke up from my dream! Just kidding, it REALLY was like that today. I was in *teacher's heaven* ya'll!!! I'm sure it won't last long...probably not even through tomorrow (sigh). So what's a teacher to do, but join up for Latoya's linky party again!

This week's theme is 2 truths and a lie. Your job is to read them, pick which one you think is the lie, and guess in a comment. I will be back to fill you in on a post later this week. Here goes:

1. I started dancing when I was 5 and continued until 18. That's 13 years total!
2. I've been driving for 9 years and have had 4 cars in that time.
3. I'm a second generation teacher. My mom also teaches.

Time to guess and link up. Head on over to Flyin' into First Grade to check out some other bloggers!

P.S. I'm only 1 follower away from 100 and that means I'm 1 person away from my giveaway (just sayin')!!

March 17, 2013

An End to Spring Break FREEBIE!

Spring Break is so great! But the only downfall about it is the Sunday before you have to go back...which for me, is today. (super sad face) I've been trying to stay positive. We only have 12 weeks left until summer, I can officially start a countdown, my firsties should be refreshed coming back tomorrow, and this time of the year is the's only downhill from here!

I love hearing all the stories about what the kids got to do over the break. Instead of them telling me, I like for them to practice their writing skills while all the fun thoughts roam through their head. I whipped this up for us to use tomorrow morning.

I like to give them a little while to write in the morning then I let them find 2 friends to share their news with. This is the part they love! It's up in my TpT shop for FREE! Just click on the picture above and it will take you straight there!

For those of you getting spring break this week, enjoy it! It will go by!

March 12, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky & a Giveaway!

It's always fun to link up for a party...especially one the week of Spring Break. Par-tay! Latoya over at Flying into First Grade had a really great idea to get teachers out in the blogging world better acquainted. Each Sunday, she will have a different topic to join in on. I'm a few days late...I've hit the relaxation mode button a few days ago!

Week 1's rules: share 3 things about yourself that you like or like to do using your initials.
L: I have recently discovered my new love for lattes.  In the past I have been a frappuccino drinker but I ventured out during Starbucks holiday drink season and tried many, if not all, of their seasonal drinks. Not to mention, that I would die to have a Caramel Brulee Latte daily.
N: I am SO loving all things neon! Pinks, greens, yellows, you name it. I gravitate towards it wherever I go.

G: My husband and I went on a cruise 2 years ago and one of the ports of call was Grand Cayman.  We loved it so much (the short time we were there) that we booked our summer vacay there! It's a gorgeous place that isn't too far off from the norm.

G#2: GIVEAWAY!! I am only a few followers short of my 100 follower giveaway. I am super excited and have some pretty great bloggers contributing to my prize. As soon as I reach that *magic* number I will be posting all about it!

Don't forget to link up over at Flying into First Grade and check back for my first giveaway!


March 10, 2013

Texas, Our Texas + 2 FREEBIES!

We finished off this week with a BANG...literally, that's what I felt like doing at times (firing a gun in the air, that is) to get their dang ol' attention!! Can you say nightmare...that's how Friday felt! You would have thought with 5 students being out (how I would like to take yet another day off for Spring Break) the day would roll a little smoother...hahaha! No.Way.  I would like to journey back to happier times we had this past week learning more about our great state of Texas.

We used my Yeehaw! A Texas Rodeo Unit this week and put the finishing touches on our All About Texas book. In my last post {here} I talked about how we completed this book and vowed to show you a picture of our it is folks!

This week we started learning all about poetry. A very easy template to follow I use to introduce our first poetry is our 5W Poem. It's simple: answer these 5 questions....Who? What? Where? When? Why?  We started off the week writing one about our school, then moved to writing one about me, and the first one they practiced on their own was an All About Me 5W. I was slightly impressed (according to my track record in writing). We brainstormed rodeo words and then they wrote their own 5W Rodeo Poems to complete our first poem of our poetry series.  Here is the first freebie for you: the template we used for our All About Me 5W poem.
Our grammar skill this 6 weeks is adjectives.  We started our study of them this week and completed this activity after talking about them for a few days.
We colored our cowboy or cowgirl boot then used 3 adjectives (written on mini sticky notes) to describe our boot. LOVE this activity! It makes our hallway so bright!

We did a little comparing and contrasting with 2 stories this week. Most of my kids knew the story of Cinderella.  I had them retell the story out loud for those who didn't. So we compared it with this laugh out loud story: Bubba the Cowboy Prince---a MUST read!

We compared the 2 stories in a Venn Diagram boot and made it look a little fancy-shmancy!

And on Friday, oh Friday, we had our Rodeo day, dressed up in our best western duds, and made our state dish....CHILI!!! By this point in the day I was. D.O.N.E. (so no pictures). You will just have to take my word that is was good!
We described our chili using adjectives, which is my next freebie for you!
If you haven't checked out my Texas unit, it's for sale in my TpT shop and has been selling great! Plus, what's better than just being able to print it all out and copy?!
Happy Spring Break!


March 6, 2013

Ouch Words with "ou"

This week we are working on special vowel combinations (mainly ou/ow words). My kiddos are having a wee bit of trouble choosing which one to use when spelling. So I came up with a little chart to help them because I know you get this question just as much as I do: "How do I spell _____?"  Well here ya go friends:

Since these combinations both make the same sound, I can help my kiddos spell by simply saying "ou like mouse" or "ow like cow".  So if they come up to me and say, "How do I spell house?" My response would be "use ou like mouse."  These visual clues help them choose which way to spell their word correctly (hopefully)! So far, my plan has worked pretty well.

We worked with 'ou' today and brainstormed what I like to call "ouch words".

We then made a short but cute craftivity to go along with it.

Simple. Cute. Fun.