March 27, 2014

Fun Friday's!

Do you do anything special on Friday afternoon's?
We work SO incredibly hard throughout the week so I like to reward my littles (because let's face it,  they are still so little!) with a little something I call "Fun Friday".
During the week if they don't finish the work they have during their center rotations they put it in their yellow center folder. They are responsible for completing this work if they ever have any extra time during the week.
If their folders are empty, this means they completed all center work for the week!
If not, they have to use their Fun Friday time to complete their work.
The last hour of the day on Friday is dedicated to those who have an empty center folder.
They have several choices of fun things to do.
Some choose board games.
Other smarty pants choose this time to read!
{silent teacher cheer inside my heart} 

Some get artsy.

Other brainiacs play computer games.
How do you spend your Friday afternoons?

March 25, 2014

What's the "And Diesase"?

The And Disease.
Sitting down during writing conferences I have noticed and influx of "and" being used in my students writing AND it is driving me crazy AND I finally decided to address it AND it went like this.
I asked one student if she would allow me to model a lesson using her paper. She agreed so I read it aloud to the class putting major emphasis on the word AND when I read it in her story.
When I read it they {laughed and laughed and laughed}! 
They thought I was crazy for using the word AND so many times
Their response "That's a lot of and's Mrs. Griffith".
I modeled to them what can be done with the word AND.
We crossed out the word AND then added a period in its place.

.  They were surprised when I told them that --they-- were actually the ones who were consumed by this disease! I had them go back and edit their papers for the "and disease", capitalization and punctuation.
We came up with a solution: When we reread our stories and find that we have the "and disease", we will erase the word and add a period in its place.
Problem solved, hopefully!


March 23, 2014

Help the Hudgeons Fundraiser

You may know Michelle from Smitten with First. She is a very sweet blogger friend of mine who is a first grade teacher in Texas. Her and her family are expecting their 2nd child. It was almost 2 months ago that her family received some difficult news about their growing baby boy. Piercen has been diagnosed with Spina Bifida.

Michelle shares her personal story on her blog HERE.

Smitten with First
You can also like their "Prayers for Piercen" Facebook page to join the thousands who are praying for Piercen's healing!
In the meantime, myself along with many other bloggers have come together and created a fundraiser to bless the family during this difficult season. With the purchase of a bundle (there are 3 to choose from), you have the opportunity to help the family and help your little ones in the classroom by using these wonderful products!!

ALL of the proceeds from the sells of three WONDERFUL bundles will go to the Hudegeons family as they battle through this season in their lives.   
Click the link below to go to the "Help the Hudgeons" store or on the bundle pictures and consider purchasing 1 or all of the bundles in effort to bless the Hudgeons family!
Here is what you can snag as you help out this family!
Donated by Miss DeCarbo

Donated by Amanda Richardson


Donated by Amy Lemons

Donated by Melissa Machan

Donated by Growing Firsties

Donated by Haley O'Connor

Donated by Tammy Wathen 

Donated by Laura Martin

Donated by A 1st Grade Teacher

Donated by Lindsay Griffith

Donated by Jennifer Tice

Donated by Sarah Paul

Donated by Julie Marciniak 

Donated by Latoya Reed

Donated by Victoria Moore

Donated by Leslie Hope

Donated by Lisa Richling

Donated by K Almaraz

Donated by Ashley Sanderson

Donated by A Modern Teacher

Donated by 1stgradefireworks

 What are you waiting for?! You get the chance to bless a family AND you get $130 of great activities to use in your classroom for only $30!  Each bundle is only $10!!

March 17, 2014

A *Spring Break* Freebie

Today we returned from spring break...even though {technically} spring hasn't even started!
You know as every student walks in they can't wait to tell you about that one great moment that happened over the break. They ALL have those moments! That's why I created this freebie for you!
The very first thing we do the day we return from spring break is write some "Spring Break News".
They pick their most favorite thing they did all week, write about it, and illustrate.

We sit in a circle with our papers and share all about our break (briefly, some would talk all day)
 with everyone.
Pick up this FREEBIE by clicking on the picture above. It will take you to last year's blog post which leads to my TpT store.

March 14, 2014

Spring Break Five for Friday

Ahh, spring over...what!?
Why does it seem to go by SO fast?
Here is what I have been enjoying during my week off!

To start spring break off right, I did a little relaxing by getting a pedicure with my mom and enjoying the beautiful weather on the porch with some wine.

Tuesday was also filled with total relaxation.
Both my cat and I were in total chill mode all day.
After enjoying my coffee, I sat out in the sun. First sunburns are always the best!
I got to spend some family time with 2 of my favorite ladies.
My grandma was recently diagnosed with cancer and is in hospice care at my mom's house.
I visited her and brought my niece along with me. Pretty babies cheer everyone up!
It's rare that the hubs and I are off during the week at the same time!
We took advantage of it and did a little shopping. Love spending time with him.
Not too sure I want this gorgeous week to end.
 But since all good things must come to an end...

...this teacher is prepared to get back to my firsties and finish this year off with a bang!