September 15, 2016

We've Got Guided Math in Motion!

Y'all, math use to be one of my least favorite things to teach.
I was bored. The kids were bored. Things were lame.
Then I started implementing guided math. 

I have a post all about my love for guided math and how to start/structure a math block HERE.

I literally jumped into guided math DAY 1 of this school year. 
Here is a look at some of the activities we have already done this year.

For reference: Each day we start out with calendar/warm up, move into a quick whole group lesson and split into centers/stations.

We've explored manipulatives and graphed them by color.

We've constructed a giant class number line and compared numbers with dominoes and popsicle sticks. 

This week, we have been doing lots of work with 10 frames.

Here's us "finally" at the teacher table decomposing numbers with number bonds.

We've made part-part-whole fun with Zoo plates!

 Many of these activities come from Reagan Tunstall's Guided Math for 1st grade series. I can not wait to use this ALL YEAR LONG with my firsties. Math is finally fun for this teacher and her students!