September 15, 2012

We are Unique!

This week was nothing less than unique! I was out the first three days with laryngitis and needless to say, my voice came back in perfect timing for parent orientation Thursday evening...ironic!?  While I was gone, my kiddos started their journey on finding out what makes them unique.  They started by reading Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon.  To accompany this book, they each made a flower. Their name went in the middle and on each petal they wrote one thing that makes them unique! They turned out precious!

I added a little touch to the hallway display by making a cutsey poster. I had each kid add their thumbprint and I made it into a "thumbkin".
Next, we made some things to have on our desk to show off to their parents for Parent Orientation.  We read the book I Like Myself and then made 'All About Me' flipbooks.  They worked really hard on these and they came out adorable! Such a simple and easy project.

Since we were talking about what makes us special, it was a perfect time to talk about our families and how they contribute to making us who we are.  I am very fortunate to work in a school where family involvement at home and school flourishes. We made a family tree to represent our love of family! Each apple has a family member's name on it.

Next week we will end our 'All About Me' unit by talking about our 5 senses.  Check back next week to see what fun things we get to do with each of our senses! Happy Weekend friends!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute blog with lots of ideas!! I am your newest follower!

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    Growing Firsties
