October 18, 2012

A Little Bit of This (Nouns), A Little Bit of That (Contractions)

There is just something about this week that has got me beat! I'm ready for a few days off (amen?). And how f---a---r  off is Thanksgiving break again??  30 days....ohh Lordy. That week off never sounded so good.  Now that I'm wishing it was November, back to October.  Here's what skills we have been working on the past week.

First up: nouns. Together, we make a big chart that lists types of people, places, and things.  I give each student 3 white squares.  On it they draw a picture and label one person, place, and thing.  Then I glue it on the chart.  Here's what our final product looks like.

Next up: contractions.  I was so anxious to do this cute little activity I found on Pinterest.  But, oh my word...it's SO much work ya'll.  I bet the mommas who I sent all the circles and legs home with to cut out just love me right now!

We've only learned about 'not' contractions so I made a list of words they could choose from to add with 'not' and make their contraction. All that hard work and they look pretty darn cute!

And when you add the two together...this is what you get...
This teacher is off to get some much needed rest...for I think my firsties have drove me batty (which I mean literally in every sense)!


  1. Lindsay,
    Thanks for your comment on my Word Choice Rings. Please contact me by email (cindy.calenti@comcast.net) so I can send you your free copy.
    Granny Goes to School

    Sorry about using your comment area but I couldn't find a "contact me by email".
