September 2, 2013

Currently in September

September is here, which means the summer months are officially over and cooler weather is on its way...psh, I wish! Down here in Texas we still have another month or two of 90-100 degree temps (sigh). Thank goodness time doesn't stand still because it's time for another currently!

Listening: Hubs is on the couch sleeping with the TV volume on faint while I'm in the office *trying* to be quiet so all I hear is the hum of this computer. Boring!

Loving: It was due time for a new blog makeover, especially with all the cute new ones I kept seeing every time I visited a blog! I had Susan from Thank God It's First Grade's  hubby create a new look for me and I absolutely LOVE it!

Thinking: One thing I struggled most with last week was my student's ability to talk...and talk...and get the picture. I never knew how nice a "honeymoon period" was until I didn't get one this year! Fingers crossed it ceases!

Wanting: Well, there is nothing like being sick on a 3 day weekend. That first week back will getcha every time. Thank goodness it's triple degree hotttt outside because I am not missing the heat!

Needing: Back to school equals a combo of printing, cutting, and laminating. I need to finish mine! I have a few fun little games for next week and some beyond cute posters to hang for later!

Personal Love: 1) Last week during one of my morning quiet times, I came across a verse that said to put others first. Don't let interruptions be just that, let them be a time when that person sees God in you. That's going to be my main focus this month! 2) The first week was curriculum, talkative kiddos, hour long car duty after school...time to start breathing! 3) I was on a roll working out...then I went back to work. What teacher isn't exactly exhausted every night of the first week? Time to get back into a routine!

Enjoy your extra day off!


  1. Love your blog! I didn't see it before, but it looks cute now. I'm your newest follower!!!

  2. Hope you are spending the day doing something fun :) I love your 3 items for yourself!

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Girl, I am with you on stress less-- this past week was crazytown and I was wondering if I could make it through a whole year!! Thank goodness for this long weekend!! Hope you got some good relaxation in and I am loving your new blog design :)

    3rd Grade Thoughts
