When teaching what type of books are fiction and which are non-fiction, my brain always has to stop and think about which is which.
How come people who name things can't make them easy to remember?
Shouldn't non-fiction be NOT real?
Firsties would catch on SO much quicker that way, but since it's not here's what we've been doing.
We started off by making these 2 anchor charts together.
We sorted the different pictures after discovering the 2 types of books after looking at a pile of each and sorting them according to what, yes, BrainPop had told us to look for.
Each day we focused on a different feature and added it to our non-fiction feature chart.
I would show them examples from a non-fiction book I would read.
Then in partners, they would use a non-fiction book to find a feature in their books.
Last week was Bat Week so we did a little searching through non-fiction books about bats to record what we had learned from the features in the book.
Teaching non-fiction is definitely one of my most favorite things!
The kids are always so engaged and proud when they learn lots of facts about one certain thing.
Next up, pumpkins!