June 27, 2015

3-2-1 Teacher Bio!

Wait, what day is it?
Oh, the weekend you say.
It's SO great not counting down the days to the weekend, #hellosummer.

This weekend, I'm bringing you a little more about me as a teacher and a person.
Here's my 3-2-1 Teacher Bio!

Link up to share more about you HERE!

June 25, 2015

TPT Challenge: Dare to Dream

Who doesn't like to dream about what if's in hopes of turning them into could be's. 

In this week's TpT Seller Challenge that's exactly what our challenge was to do. 

As a seller on TpT, I use the funds that come in from selling my products to purchase more products or buy things I need for my classroom. If I had the opportunity to use more funds from my sales here is what I would dream to do:

Work Part Time
Once I have kids, I would like to opportunity to raise them in a home cultivated in love. I know this could be done as a working parent, but I want to be able to experience the joys and sorrows of my children. If that requires me to work part time or to stay at home a few years, I would love the chance to do that.

Let's put it this way, my eye sight is horrendous. 
I hate wearing glasses.
I hate wearing contacts.
I hate putting drops in my eyes.
So if I had the extra money to use to get me some 20-20, I'd jump right on that train!

My husband and I love to travel. We have been all over the caribbean.
I, however, would love to explore other places in the world. 
Here are a few on my bucket list:
Alaska (re-visit)
Swiss Alps

Give Back
I grew up watching my parents give and in turn, we were always blessed.
If I had extra money I would love to be able to help others out in need or find a special cause to contribute to and make a difference. 


If you haven't got in on the challenge yet, join up!

June 24, 2015

Work It Wednesday: Vacation Planning

The one thing I may have been excited about when school let out was getting to go to the gym first thing in the morning! 

I have been so good this summer that I know if I don't plan my workouts before we leave for vacation, even though my intentions are good, I may not work out much on vacation!

That is exactly why this is what went in my suitcase first....

Yesterday I sat down and planned out 6 days of workouts for vacation next week.
Despite my husband's concern, I WILL be packing 8 pound weights!

I took a cardio workout and paired it with a total body toning, arm, or leg workout for each day!

I found these workouts from Tone It Up!

My goal is to get up, eat and do my planned workout before we hit the beach each day.

How are you working on making yourself better this summer? Don't forget to link up with
Queen of the First Grade Jungle to share!

June 19, 2015

Mission: Makeover ALL the Products

That's my new mission! Makeover ALL the products...or though it seems.

I'm embarrassed when I went back and looked at my very first product to post on TpT.
{Take a look as I hang my head in shame...}

I cannot even tell you how bad it needed updated!
And boy have I learned a lot since those days.

Here is what I changed:
*added 2 new centers
*new recording sheets

I'm super excited to show you what my "like new" product now looks like!

Check it out in my TpT store on sale for the next 3 days! 

June 18, 2015

Makeover Madness

Who doesn't love a good theme unit?

I know I love the last few months of each year because that's exactly what we get to incorporate in the classroom! So my next 2 makeovers for the #tptsellerchallenge are 2 of my favorite units to use during the months of November and December.

First up for a makeover is my It's Thanksgiving unit. 
This was one of my first few big units I put together when starting TpT.

Look at the picture below and you can tell...ehh embarassing!

Thank goodness I've learned between now and then!

Changes include:
*updated cover
*updated fonts

If you have previously purchased, please go re-download!


The next unit may just be my all time favorite! It bring such joy to each kid every year!
We write letters to Santa and in return HE (well really me) writes a letter back to each student.
Read all about this magical day {HERE} and  {HERE}.

Changes include:
*new cover
*total of 25 letters (was 21)

Both of these units can be found by click on the pictures above and both are ON SALE in my store!

June 17, 2015

I Love a Challenge!

Long time, no chat friends!
If you haven't heard about the #tptsellerchallenge by now, you probably haven't been on social media lately!

A few fabulous bloggers have put this together to get the TpT community movin' and groovin'.
I'm taking part and linking up for the challenge!

This week's challenge if for sellers to work on our products and give them a facelift. 

I took my best selling unit and changed a few things.

Here's a list of what I made over:
*new cover 
*new fonts
*charts simplified 

If you have previously purchased my unit, please go re-download if you wish!

If you haven't yet purchased, I am placing it on sale for 3 days! 

Check back tomorrow for another makeover, the madness has begun!