February 2, 2016

FREE Tips and Tricks for Managing All Kinds of Behavior

Do you ever feel your patience may become a little more strectched this time of year?
You're dealing with the same kids, but yet they seem a little different, right?
If you said yes, I think we may be in the same boat!

One thing I learned at the I Teach 1st SDE conference is to switch things up...and OFTEN!
It seems so simple and was quite a "DUH moment" for me. 
Seriously, why didn't I think of that...geez.

Thankful there's a Cara Carroll in this world to save my teacher butt sometimes : )
Her ideas were on point and I knew I had to implement them asap! So I did!

Here are 3 ideas for managing individual, table or team and whole group behavior.
And good news for you, I've put these printables in my TpT store for FREE!


If you're thinking about changing things up, find these free printables in my TpT store HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! Do they receive something if the cup or jar is filled? Just curious because that would be the first thing my kiddos asked!!! :) Thanks so much for sharing!
