December 10, 2012

Rudolph with Your Nose SO Bright!

The 'official' Christmas vacation countdown has begun...1 day down and 3.5 more to go.  This is one of the funnest weeks of all 1st grade, yes for me too, but it is also a TRUE test of my patience (I know you all just agreed with me)!  I feel like I'm trying to cram SO much into this week alone!

Today we learned all about Santa's right hand men and women, reindeer! We read about our beloved friend, Olive (he's the other reindeer...HA!).

Cutest. reindeer. book. written.
I also found a short movie based on the book on Youtube.  If you click on the picture of the book above, it will take you straight to it!
We used my Reindeer Roundup Unit all day today for these fun reindeer games.
 We dug deep into our imagination and wrote about what we would do if we were one of Santa's reindeer. Here are 2 cute examples:

 We brainstormed things Rudolph can do (verb practice) and put Santa's reindeer in ABC order.

We used our reindeer can-have-are chart and transferred the non-fiction information into sentences and a quick craft.
Apologies for the sideways nature of it....
Tomorrow we will be reading Merry Christmas Splat and David's Christmas and doing various Christmas activities. I'll be back to share later this week.
Have a Merry week friends : )

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful Reindeer packet you've created. Where is the reindeer heading from on the last picture?
