August 27, 2012

Survival of the Fittest {First Day}

Whew, let me just start out by saying...I am not "of the fittest". Are any of ya'll who went back for the first day of school today thinking this: my feet ache, back hurts, brain is dead, and I'm dog tired!   Who"s with me!?!? Well, besided all that, it was a GREAT first day! I'm thinking I have another great bunch of kiddos this year...they all arrived on time dressed in their best, no one cried, screamed, or fell asleep, and they all got home safely! PTL!

Here is a peak at what my "smart cookies" did on our first day in 1st Grade!

We started off the day reading First Day Jitters and talking about our first day feelings by filling out an anchor chart.

Next, we talked about rules and of course had to read a book all the kids love, David Goes to School. He is such a character and we refer back to him all year long! We made an anchor chart, courtesy of First Grade Wow, and listed things we can do and should not do. Then, we made a little David craft and the students wrote one rule that they thought was the most important.

We ended the day by reading The Kissing Hand.  By this time of the day, a few of them are asking if it's time to go home or mentioning they miss their mom. So I thought it was perfect timing! They traced their hand and I gave them a heart sticker for the middle. We talked about sentences earlier in the morning, so I had them write one sentence about something they wanted to learn this year.

This idea came from Always First Grade, thanks for sharing!

Here's to hoping mine (and your) rest of the week goes smoothly!

1 comment:

  1. Aye aye aye poor thing. I'm worried I will be feeling the same way next week only after two days of school. Thanks for the Kissing Hand idea. I started planning for next week and all of a sudden came to blank after 16 years of teaching. LOL
