September 2, 2012

Planning is MY Middle Name

What an exhausting first week, to say the least! Exhausting just might be an blogging is proof. This year, we are starting several tons of new ideas and programs. We have a new phonics program, writing program, and I am starting the Daily 5 for the first time (eek!). We also are having to do our own lesson plans instead of writing them as a team <sigh> which means I am now writing plans weekly along with making my own class newsletter. Good thing I don't mind creating things!  This year I am realizing just how G.O.O.D I had it last year as a first year teacher. Loooong story short, adding all this into the first week of school was a doozie! This week should be nothing less than another tiring week as we implement all of our programs and dive into the curriculum.  The first week is always fun getting to know the kids, doing fun artsy activities, and getting them back into the swing of school.

Enough of me being 'Debbie Downer'...I wanted to share with you both the lesson plan and newsletter templates I created.  Last year, I typed up (in detail) what I was going to do daily.  I REALLY liked the format I used, but this year I am going to try to combine all of it into a 2 page easy to read document {I like a "big picture" view}.  I created a template I liked from  to fit my custom schedule. I have used it for the past 2 weeks now and absolutely ADORE it!!! It is so easy to read and super easy to edit week by week.

 Did I mention you can download it AND edit it for FREE!
{Click on the picture to preview/download the lesson plan template if you think it will work for you!}

On Monday of each week I send home a newsletter.  This is the main way I communicate with all my parents at once to let them know what is going on in the classroom and inform them of any upcoming events.  I find that they are more apt to look at/read it if it is sent home rather than sent through email. On it I include the skills we are working on that week, our spelling and sight words, monthly birthdays, regularly scheduled activities, our specials rotation schedule, and important event reminders. Here's a peek at the one I sent home in this week's daily folder.

Praise the Lord we had a 3 day weekend after the first week...I don't know about you but I have taken a nap just about every day this weekend. Here's to a great 4 day week back with the kiddos on Tuesday AND a better attempt at blogging this week : )

1 comment:

  1. I found this lovely post after visiting Kelly's post on lesson plans! I am still dabbling with changing mine...Half way through the year! LOL! We have similar templates but I tried moving some things to a 3rd page.... Not sure if I like that just yet!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
