September 6, 2012

Math Tubs & Anchor Charts

Let me put it this way, I have a love/hate relationship with 4 day weeks. I L.O.V.E the aspect of having a 3 day weekend...who doesn't?!  It's just enough time to buy groceries, do laundry, some shopping, and still have a day to relax. Talk about perfection! And the 4 day week that follows, hallelujah! Then there's the thought of going back <sigh> and realizing you have so much to catch up on, that you really could have used that day off instead of having to stay at school until 6:00 every evening trying to catch up...yuck! It's like I'm winning and losing all at the same time.

Anywho, this week we introduced character, setting, and the important elements of sentences. I am a little obsessed with anchor charts, as I was told I'm already running out of room on my designated wall...oops! Needless to say I think they work wonders. I love seeing my kiddos look up at the wall to refer back to their learning (point for me!). Here are the few we made this week.

Next week I am going to introduce math tubs. Last year, I introduced them all in one setting and briefly practiced them with the class. BIG mistake...never again! So this year, I will introduce one a day and we will play an entire game as a class. Once all 5 are introduced, I will quickly review and let them have at it (in designated groups of course) the following week. I like to rotate them through twice so that they last for 2 weeks...lazy me! Here is a peek at our first set of math tubs!

Side note: I do not take credit for making these activities I am just lucky enough to have stumbled upon them. And did I mention, they were all FREE! Click on the picture and it will take you to the site. Many thanks to those who have creative enough minds to share : )

Hang on friends...tomorrow is Friday!


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