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October 23, 2014

Fiction or Non-Fiction?

When teaching what type of books are fiction and which are non-fiction, my brain always has to stop and think about which is which. 

How come people who name things can't make them easy to remember?
Shouldn't non-fiction be NOT real?
Firsties would catch on SO much quicker that way, but since it's not here's what we've been doing.

We started off by making these 2 anchor charts together.
We sorted the different pictures after discovering the 2 types of books after looking at a pile of each and sorting them according to what, yes, BrainPop had told us to look for.

Each day we focused on a different feature and added it to our non-fiction feature chart.
I would show them examples from a non-fiction book I would read.
Then in partners, they would use a non-fiction book to find a feature in their books.

Last week was Bat Week so we did a little searching through non-fiction books about bats to record what we had learned from the features in the book.

Teaching non-fiction is definitely one of my most favorite things!
The kids are always so engaged and proud when they learn lots of facts about one certain thing.

Next up, pumpkins!


  1. What a great way to show the difference between F and NF and to show text features!
    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I would call myself and anchor chart addict ; )

  3. Would you be willing to share where you found your images for the text features ancho chart? I'm hoping to start this tomorrow with my firsties but I love your color photos vs black and white copied ones.

    1. I literally typed each one into googled and borrowed images from there : )
