October 10, 2016

Non-fiction and New Learning

Our focus in reading the past 2 weeks has been identifying non-fiction features, their purpose and reading LOTS of non-fiction text. I love teaching non-fiction in October because there are so many great "themed" things you can pull in during this time.

I began reading my firsties ONE single book about Bats.
Ummm...1 book and they were hooked.
I knew since I found something they were interested in that we were completely and wholeheartedly diving in! 

I put my class into small groups (each with a strong reader) and had them read a short non-fiction book on bats. Look at those cuties! They were SO into it! 

Next, they had to discuss and record 4 new facts they learned from the text.

 Instead of recording on sticky notes or paper, as we usually do, we recorded our learning on GIANT bats!

Little did they knew, their interest sparked an interest in their teacher as well!
Operation transform the classroom into a Bat Cave takes place tomorrow.
Check back for more about that SOON!

Read all about our classroom transformation into a bat cave HERE.

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