Texas, our Texas...how we love learning about our state!
Rodeo season is in full swing and we've got our boots cleaned and ready to learn.
Our poem of the week is one of our favorites and I find them reciting it subconsciously throughout the week. Catchiness as its best!
We kicked off the week learning about all the symbols of our great state.
Some we already knew and some we didn't.
L is for Lone Star is a fabulous book that taught even this devoted Texan things I didn't know!
After recording our schema and new learning, we made a flip-book with 3 of our favorite symbols.

Each day throughout the week we dove deep into talking about 5 important symbols.
We read about them, asked questions, and recorded facts in our Texas Symbols book.
{You can find this in my TpT store}
On the day we learned about Bluebonnets, I taught my firsties how to make their own!
You can too:
Fold a white sheet of computer paper in half.
Color the top half blue, bottom half green on BOTH sides.
Cut the blue into small strips.
Roll at a diagonal and tape.
Themed books about our state are always fun to read.
We read about them, asked questions, and recorded facts in our Texas Symbols book.
{You can find this in my TpT store}
On the day we learned about Bluebonnets, I taught my firsties how to make their own!
You can too:
Fold a white sheet of computer paper in half.
Color the top half blue, bottom half green on BOTH sides.
Cut the blue into small strips.
Roll at a diagonal and tape.
Themed books about our state are always fun to read.
Here are a few we practiced making connections with.
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly--There Once Was a Cowpoke Who Swallowed an Anth
Little Red Riding Hood--Little Red Cowboy Hat
We did a little comparing and contrasting with 2 stories this week too.
Most of my kids knew the story of Cinderella. I had them retell the story out loud for those who didn't.
So we compared it with this laugh out loud story: Bubba the Cowboy Prince---a MUST read!
We compared the 2 stories in a Venn Diagram boot and made it look a little fancy-shmancy!
In writing, we've explored the 5W poem this week during our poetry study.
It answers the questions "who, what, when, where, why"?
We wrote a class poem about an armadillo together and they got to be the illustrators.
Then we brainstormed ideas/animals/people that represented Texas.
They chose one to write their own 5W poem about.

We also wrote 5W poems that describe ourselves. Grab this FREE template in my TpT store!
During our grammar time this week we reviewed adjectives. It just seems that these little words won't stick in my firsties brains! A sign to the teacher...I need to use it more ; )
We colorfully decorated these big ol' boots.

I gave them 3 sticky notes to describe their boots and glue at the bottom.
"bold" "vibrant" "pretty"
To top it all off, we celebrated our week with FOOD! Our state dish of course....CHILI!
I'm always SO shocked when some of my friends tell me they've never had Chili!!!
To incorporate writing, we made the chili together and then wrote a recipe for them to take home!
{Click on the picture for a FREEBIE}
I hope you found some Texas sized ideas to add to your Texas sized vault!
I hope you found some Texas sized ideas to add to your Texas sized vault!
Many of these activities and more can be found in my Texas unit in my TpT store!
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