If you follow me on Instagram, you saw me post this picture.
It's nearly the end of the year and we've learned all our sight words.
Here's a fun and easy way we practiced them!
We played a game I named "Head Hunters" to review our sight words.
It's super easy to make and did I mention it's loads of fun too!
To Make (Labels):
Type up sight words onto labels (I used Avery 5160 template in Word).
To Make (Recording Sheet):
Simply type up a class list with a blank space beside each student's name.
To Play:
Now that you have your supplies, stick one label to each students head.
Yes, stick it to their head!
{They may have thought I was crazy when I walked up with one on my head.}
Pass out recording sheet. Students will walk around and read the sight words on each classmates' head. They will read the word to person and then record it on their paper.
Once completed, they may take their sticker off and place it next to their name.
Here we are in action!

This game can be made to fit any list of words or any class size.
Happy word hunting!
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