I'm normally all about #tbt on Instagram but have totally missed that train the past few weeks...my mind must be on summer time! So I thought my good ol' blog needed some love and this would be a good place to pick it back up!

First off, here's my throwback picture from a science class in college.
We made "science eyes" to wear when we teach science lessons because science is all around us, you see!
Getting on with the show, here is a Throwback post from last November with my favorite craft for digraphs!
Who says a week of review has to be boring?
"Not I", said the teacher.
Each day last week we picked a different digraph to review and got a little crafty with it!
We started off each day with a review of digraph sounds on BrainPOP.
{If you don't have a subscription I HIGHLY recommend it!!}
I had them listen for digraph words. We took those words and others they came up with and wrote them down in a brainstorming session on our chart.
Each day I had the students pick one word from our chart and use it for our craft.
Day 1: CH
We took our words from "Our ch words" anchor chart and made a CHocolate CHip cookie!
Day 2: SH
We took our words from "Our sh words" anchor chart and made a fiSH bowl!
Day 3: TH
We took our words from "Our th words" anchor chart and made a paTHway of words!
Day 4: WH
We took our words from "Our wh words" anchor chart and made a WHale!
We had so much fun and the kiddos looked forward trying to figure out what digraph each poster was for! Perfect way for THem to SHow WHatCHa know!
Don't forget to head over to visit Hope from Second Grade Shenanigans to link up!
Very cute...the glasses AND the crafts! :)
First Grade Fairytales